28 Apr This Week at FPC
Volunteer Opportunities
FPC has reached out to a couple in our church who could really use some help getting their home ready to sell in the near future. This Saturday, we would like to help them spread fresh mulch around their house and trees. We will start at 9am and work until the job is complete. If you are able, please click here to sign up so we can be sure enough people are attending to get the job done.
Bright Futures Snack Pack Packing Party on May 4, 4:00-5:30 or 5:30-7:00 p.m.. Click here to sign up.
Nursery Update
We are preparing to reopen the nursery for summer worship. To make that possible, we need volunteers. If you would like to join the Nursery volunteer team, have a Covid vaccine and want to love on babies during the worship service click here to fill out a volunteer application or contact Dri.
One Day VBS
This summer we will host a One-Day Vacation Bible School for kids K-4th grade on June 19. Registration coming soon!
If you would like to be a teacher, helper, song leader, snack manager, decorator, or help in some other way, contact Dri for a volunteer form.
Graduating Seniors
We would like to honor our seniors in May. If you are a parent of a graduating senior or a graduating senior yourself (high school or college), let us know by filling out this form or emailing Dri with the graduate’s name, school, degree (if applicable), and future plans (however vague) by Wednesday, May 5.
New Prayer Booklets
Prayer booklets for May-August will be available for pick up.
Update Email Preferences
We are in the process of updating our email system. Take a moment this week to update your email preferences by clicking here.