16 Jun This Week at FPC
One Day VBS – Sat., June 19
June 16 is the last day to register for VBS! Sign up today!
Youth Fire Pit
All youth (completed 5th-12th grade) are invited to the Hyde’s backyard for s’mores and hot dogs on Friday, June 18, 7-9pm. Contact Dri for more information.
One Service on Sundays
Beginning this Sunday, June 20, we will return to one worship service on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. We will no longer require physical distancing at the church. For those who are not yet comfortable with this change, we will continue to offer a livestream version of our worship service at 10:30 a.m.
Facilities Supervisor
We are looking for a Facility Supervisor who will be responsible for keeping the church building in excellent working condition. This job is a 10-15 hours/week. Our ideal candidate has skill, initiative and flexibility to embrace the needs of a beautiful and aging building to meet the changing needs of our church. Visit our website for full job description and more information.
Breeze Notifications
Did you know you can receive notifications about birthdays and anniversaries through Breeze? After logging in, follow this tutorial to customize your notifications in our online directory. Sign up for Breeze if you haven’t already.
Summer Office Hours
During the summer months (June, July, and August) the church office will be closed. If you need in the building or need to speak to someone at the church we can be reached by voicemail at 479.524.5935 or by email at info@fpcsiloam.com. You can also visit our website www.fpcsiloam.com for the most up to date information on what’s happening at FPC.