15 Dec This Week at FPC
FPC Community Calendar
The Community Committee is very excited to have a new “FPC Community Calendar.” When you visit the event calendar on the church website, look for purple events. These are our community calendar events. Make sure to check it out frequently and add events of your own. This section of our calendar is a place to share informal events hosted by people within the church that are open to the congregation. Events can be planned parties or showers but also less structured events like meeting for coffee, play dates for families, or getting together to play basketball. We want this to be a way for our church to connect outside of Sunday morning.
Our first event on the calendar is for a baby shower for Brandy and Ryan Cowell. All are invited to attend on Saturday, January 8, at the Brick Ballroom.
NWA United Conference
On Saturday, Dec. 4 the NWA United Commission conducted a seminar for our church related to cultivating our presence in the city and developing relationships with our neighbors. The seminar covered in church’s involvement with NWA United, context of race within the broader, historical church, and what we, as Christians, can do to make a difference. In case you missed it, you can get a copy of the full presentation deck here. If you have any questions, you can contact any of the commission members, members of the Outreach Committee, or Jonathan.
Angel Tree
Thank you to all who have purchased gifts this year. Please bring all gifts to the church by this Sunday, Dec. 19.
Youth Christmas Party
Sunday, December 19, 6:30-8 p.m. at the Edwards home. All youth 5th-12th are invited to celebrate with dinner, Christmas sweaters, white elephant gift exchange ($5 limit), and cookie decorating! Contact Dri or check the weekly email for address.
Christian Education Holiday Schedule
No Christian Education classes (Sunday School, Youth Group, Family Gathering) Monday, December 20 through Wednesday, January 5. Enjoy your holiday! Sunday School and Youth Group will resume on Sunday, January 9 and Family Gathering starts back on Wednesday, January 12.
Evening Office will meet next Wednesday, Dec. 22. No Evening Office Dec. 29 or Jan. 5. Evening Office will resume on January 12.