11 Feb This Week at FPC
Annual Souper Bowl
Join us this Sunday for the Souper Bowl: a soup potluck, trivia, and more in the gym after worship service. The youth will be collecting donations for Canopy NWA. Vote for your favorite Super Bowl team by dropping your donation in the bucket of your favored team. Bring your favorite soup in a slow cooker to drop off in the gym before Sunday School or worship service. Youth will also be handing out tickets to vote for your favorite soup to award the Golden Ladle. Can’t make in on Sunday? Follow the button below to donate online.
Diaper Collection
We are collecting diapers for the Cookes this Sunday.
Next Sunday, Feb. 23, we will start collecting diapers for the Cowells.
Diapers can also be dropped off at the church during office hours.
Covid Updates
Beginning Sunday, February 13 we are no longer requiring masks in our building. We still strongly recommend you continue wearing a mask for the present, but also understand the complexity of this decision given the dynamic situation presented by new variants and the developing understandings surrounding them. Please reach out to Jonathan with any questions or concerns with this change in our approach.
JBU Diversity Symposium
John Brown University is hosting a three-day Diversity Symposium February 23-25, 2022. More information can be obtained by going to jbu.edu/diversity/sisco-symposium. We encourage you to attend Wednesday evening, Feb. 23, 7:15-8 p.m., for “A Biblical View of Diversity,” presented by Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley, Assistant Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College. To facilitate your attendance, all Wednesday evening activities at FPC on Feb. 23 will be canceled so that you can instead attend the event at JBU that evening. Hope to see you there!
Congregational Meeting
Immediately following the worship service on Sunday, February 20, we will hold a congregational meeting to elect a 7th Ruling Elder and to present a Sacramental Roadmap put together by Dri Bayer and the CE Committee. Please plan to stay for about 15-20 minutes following the worship service that day.
Women’s Summer Conference
The Gospel Coalition’s Annual Women’s Summer Conference is June 16-18 in Indianapolis, IN. Registration is $219 through February 15. For more information on the conference and to register visit tgc.org/tgcw22 . A group of women from FPC are planning to carpool and room-share. If you would like to join them, contact Brandy Cowell or Dri Bayer.
Youth Move Conference
Move Conference is June 5-9 at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, MO, for all students 8th-12th grade. Total cost is $299 per student. A $65 deposit is due at registration (with fundraisers to follow). As space is limited, register early to ensure your spot.
Spring Retreat
April 1st-2nd at New Life Ranch for 5th-12th grade students. Total cost is $75 due at registration. The theme is “in this together.” We’ve heard it a lot during the pandemic, but what is “this” and what does it mean to do it “together?” Maybe it’s about more than just a pandemic. Maybe it’s how we live life together as a church, globally and locally… and as a youth group right here and now, beyond the platitudes and philosophical, to real life
Fellowship Time
Fellowship time will resume next Sunday, February 20 with donuts and coffee in the gym between Sunday School and Worship Service.