27 Jul This Week at FPC
Bright Futures
Bright Futures is one of our Outreach partners and is in need of backpacks for its annual distribution for students in Siloam Springs for the upcoming school year. New backpacks can be brought to the church through Sunday, July 31.
There is also a need for volunteers on August 4 with two shifts, 3-5 p.m. and 4-6 p.m., at the Intermediate School. Use the sign up below if you are available.
Visit Bright Futures’ Facebook page or contact Chuck Hyde at c4sdad@gmail.com for more information.
Middle School Mystery Trip
We are still in need of one or two adults to help with a couple of our daytime activities for the Mystery Trip on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you can help, please contact Dri Bayer (479.238.4232) for details.
Volunteer Fair
Sunday, August 21 you will have the opportunity to learn about all of the ways you can get involved and participate in the life of this local body at the annual Volunteer Fair. Join us in the gym directly after service for light refreshments and to peruse each of our committee’s tables for volunteer positions and needs. You can ask questions and hear about the vision for the various teams of people who make ministry to each other and to our community possible. You can also get a sneak peek of these opportunities with our online form starting Sunday, August 7.
Church Game Night
August 10 @ 6 p.m.: Game Night – Bring your favorite board games and snacks to share in the church gym. Invite your friends.