21 Sep This Week at FPC
Hiking at Natural Falls State Park
Join us for a hike & picnic at Natural Falls State Park this Saturday, September 24. We will meet at 10:15 a.m. at the parking area by the dripping springs trail (see map below). There is a $10 parking fee per car paid at the grey kiosk on your way into the park. There is a short trail and a longer trail depending on interest & ability. We will meet back at the pavilion by the cars around noon for a bring your own picnic lunch & play time! Feel free join us for the picnic even if you do not want to hike.
Church Tea with Andrew Muwowo
Join us for a social tea time at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 25, at the Posey’s home. We’ll have the chance to meet Andrew, enjoy tea, and learn more about the work of Proclamation Institute Zambia, one of FPC’s main Outreach Partners. For more information, contact Trisha Posey.
New Member Class
A two-part new member class will be offered during the Christian Education hour (9-10 a.m.) on Sunday, October 2 and 9. Anyone interested in joining the church must attend both parts of the class. A third “make-up” class will be offered on Sunday, October 16 at 9 a.m. in order to repeat one of the two parts based on attendance at the October 2 and 9 classes. Attending this class does not mean you must become a member, but you must attend this class if you want to join the church as a member. Please email Jonathan to express interest in the class.