17 Mar This Week at FPC
Church Information Survey
The Pastor Search Committee is working on our Church Information Form (CIF), which will help prospective pastors understand our congregation and the Siloam Springs community as they consider whether to apply for our pastoral position. We’d love your input on this important document! Please fill out our brief survey, which includes questions from the CIF. Paper copies will also be available in the foyer and can be placed in the offering plate. The Pastor Search Committee will look through congregational responses as we complete the form. The survey will be available March 5-22.
Adult CE Survey
The Christian Education (CE) Committee has sent out personalized emails to the congregation to participate in the Adult CE survey. If you did not receive an email, you can still participate at fpcsiloam.com/adultcesurvey and be sure to check with the church office to update your info. All surveys are anonymous.
Choir Rehearsals
Choir rehearsals begin Wednesday, March 15, at 7 p.m. Contact Steven Hamilton for more information.
Spring Break Meet Up
For those around during spring break, we are going to have a bring your own picnic at the Bob Henry Park on March 22 at 5:00 p.m. We will meet at the pavilion by the main playground. All are welcome!
Spring Break
No Sunday School, Youth Group, Family Gathering, or Evening Office from March 19-26.
Hidden Word Class
A 6-week scripture memory class for children 3rd grade and above, including middle schoolers on Wednesdays from 6-7 p.m. April 29 – May 3. Students will be challenged, as Psalm 119:11 says, to hide God’s word in their hearts. There will be prizes and an opportunity for students to share their word with the congregation. Please pre-register your students at fpcsiloam.com/hiddenword so we know how many to expect. High School students who want to be helper-teachers can sign up there as well.
Easter Eggstravaganza
Mark your calendars for our annual Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 8 at 10 a.m. We’ll have fellowship, refreshments and an egg hunt for the kiddos. In the case of inclement weather, the egg hunt will be inside. We have many empty eggs from last year, but you can bring candy donations and place them in the gray baskets at each entrance now through April 2.
Stations of the Cross
Wednesday, April 5, we will have an Experiential Stations of the Cross downstairs in the classrooms for all ages. Walk through at your own pace anytime between 6-7:30 p.m. This will be the Family Gathering activity for the evening. The Hidden Word Class and those attending Evening Office are encouraged to go with their families after their class/office.
Youth Rummage Sale
As you do your spring cleaning, set aside and box up your donatable items for our youth’s final fundraiser! The youth will collect donated items to sell the week of April 23 and have a rummage sale during the Dogwood Festival.