24 May This Week at FPC

One-Day VBS Registration
One Day VBS Registration is now open!
This year’s theme is “I Wonder…” where we’ll be wondering how we can spend time with God and exploring all the ways to know him better. Join us June 24 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., lunch provided. Visit fpcsiloam.com/VBS to register your students today.
One-Day VBS Volunteers
Can you be a part of the 2023 One-Day VBS, Saturday, June 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.?
Here are some ways you can be involved:
- Join the VBS planning team – We’ll meet a couple of times this month to plan out our schedule, activities, lessons, etc.
- Volunteer as a group leader – We will have two groups of kids with two group leaders each. You escort them to each of the stations and act as crowd control at each station.
- Volunteer as a station leader – Kids will rotate through stations like music, crafts, story, games. The station leader organizes and leads the kids and their group leaders through their station.
- Volunteer in support roles – These are the heroes behind the scenes that prep the lunch, organize the supplies, pre-cut or prep any activities, help set up and transform the building to our theme, etc.
Host Homes
The Middle School Mix Conference is at JBU, but we need a couple of host homes for July 24-27. No meals needed, just space for sleeping bags and a bathroom for 4-5 students and a leader. Contract Dri if interested.
School Supplies Needed
Trisha and Oliver Posey will be traveling to Uganda in early June. They are receiving donations of supplies for Save Street Children Uganda, a ministry to street children that First Presbyterian Church has supported in the past. The ministry has an affiliated school and they are in need of school supplies (any supplies will do!), jump ropes, and children’s Bibles. If you would like to donate items please drop them off to the Poseys’ house (contact Trisha for address) by May 31. You can leave them on the front or back porch if the Poseys are not home. Please remember that there will be a weight limit with luggage, so the lighter the items the better! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Trisha at trishadposey@gmail.com
Canopy NWA
Canopy NWA is a refugee resettlement agency that helps families as they arrive to the U.S and make a new home here. They need volunteers to be on co-sponsor teams that will help the family move into their house, get groceries, and learn about the community, etc. Co-sponsor teams are the “first friends” of our refugee families. Contact Caitlin Kretzer for more information or to get involved.
We’re Hiring
Family Ministry is expanding with two new part-time positions. Check out fpcsiloam.com/apply for more information.
Summer Picnics in the Park
Join us this summer on the last Wednesday of each month for a bring your own Picnic in the Park. We will meet at Bob Henry Park [downtown] at 5:30 p.m. for play and fellowship! (May 31, June 28, July 26)
Visit our calendar for a full list of summer activities.
Community Event