06 Sep Outreach Partner Update
Dogwood Literacy Council
September in Siloam this year promises the confluence of two things I hold dear but have never tried to hold together, literally: Mums and Tacos! Now, I and you can get that chance on September 16th at the city’s 2nd annual Hispanic Heritage Festival.
This past month, The Dogwood Literacy Council, one of FPC’s Outreach Partners, has been raising money to support their efforts by having a Mum fundraiser. This fundraiser benefits DLC’s mission to support adult education in our city by providing free English classes four days a week in the mornings and evenings to those working to increase their literacy in English. They also provide free GED classes for members of our community, and our region certainly needs it: did you know that almost 20% of Arkansans 25+ lack a high school diploma or GED? If you haven’t ordered a mum yet to benefit Dogwood Literacy Council’s good work, make sure to follow the link that’s been in our weekly emails the past few weeks.
Secondly, it’s impossible to not realize the rapid growth our city has undergone in just the past few years, and Siloam Springs continues to deepen in ethnic representation and diversity. Last year, FPC members were part of a founding effort to get an annual Hispanic Heritage Festival established with the city. The event was such a success that the 2nd Annual SS Hispanic Heritage Fest will be on Saturday, September 16! Dogwood Literacy Council will pass out the mum orders at that time, so you might as well stop by to grab a taco, check out the booths, and try out your salsa moves!
Thank you for supporting the work of Dogwood Literacy Council, and thank you for helping to make Siloam be a place of welcome for those who now enjoy calling this place “home.” See you at the Festival!