26 Apr Changes to Worship
Hello First Presbyterian Church, please watch this video to learn about upcoming changes to our Sunday worship services. ...
Hello First Presbyterian Church, please watch this video to learn about upcoming changes to our Sunday worship services. ...
Hello First Presbyterian Church, as with anything that is new, there will be changes and updates along the way. With that in mind, we have a few updates as we prepare to meet in person on Palm Sunday, March 28. ...
We plan to worship outdoors as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees and there is no precipitation. We will continue to offer a livestream version of the service for those watching from home. If it is too cold or wet we will offer...
Hello First Presbyterian Church, It was absolutely wonderful to worship with many of you in-person this past Sunday. I have heard from several of you that it was a very moving experience. At the same time, I am encouraged by the quality of the livestream and...
Hello First Presbyterian Church, If you missed the service on Sunday, then you also missed the announcement that we will hold our first in-person service at First Presbyterian this Sunday, June 28th at 9:30 a.m. The time change from 10:30 to 9:30 is because we will be meeting outside and we want to avoid...
Hello First Presbyterian Church, Today, on Monday, May 4th, Governor Hutchinson made an announcement that places of worship may begin to resume a modified version of their in-person services beginning Sunday, May 10th. Naturally, this has raised the question in many of your minds about our...