If you’ve ever gone on a search to find more details on our Outreach ministry partners (what orgs/individuals does FPC support, etc.), you probably didn’t find much. The Outreach Committee is working to resolve that by better utilizing our website, bulletin boards, etc. But for now, consider this a refresher of our Outreach ministry partners, and a brief bit about each one (and details on where you can learn more about them and get involved):
Ability Tree – https://www.abilitytree.org/ Founded in 2010 by former Siloam Springs residents, Joe & Jen Butler, Ability Tree serves families impacted by disability by providing R.E.S.T. (Recreation, Education, Support, & Training). They have locations in NJ, FL, and, of course, right here in Siloam.
Bright Futures – https://www.facebook.com/BrightFuturesSiloamSprings This is an initiative within the Siloam Springs School District that streamlines school, community, and business resources to meet the basic needs of students in our community. Check out their Facebook page…you just might recognize some folks from their March 10 post.
Canopy NWA – https://www.canopynwa.org/ Hopefully you heard John Wilson from Canopy NWA preach last month. But if you were out that Sunday, know that Canopy NWA is committed to welcoming and supporting refugees right here in Northwest Arkansas. Many from our own congregation are involved with Canopy as co-sponsors for refugee families here in our community.
Children & Family Advocacy Center – https://cfacbentonco.com/ CFAC provides comprehensive trauma-healing to the children and families in Benton County that have been impacted by abuse. The need is great…each of the pinwheels you have seen around NWA in April (including in front of First Pres) represent the lives that have been affected by the good work of the Children & Family Advocacy Center.
Dogwood Literacy Council – https://dogwoodliteracycouncil.org/ The DLC has a vision to build a stronger community by empowering individuals through literacy instruction. They offer FREE instruction in reading, writing, and speaking English to adults that wish to learn English or improve their literacy skills. And they also offer health and financial literacy courses as well as GED classes (and they can always use volunteers!)
Proclamation Institute Zambia – https://www.proclamationzambia.org/ PIZ is a theological institute in Kitwe, Zambia, that trains individuals to teach and preach the gospel, with the goal of growing the church in Zambia and beyond. PIZ is our highlighted ministry partner for the month of May, so be sure you have a look at the PIZ update in this newsletter. Lots of exciting things in the works!
Wheaton family – Sign up for their newsletter: https://epcwo.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=fd9ded5f40f9ce0d4281f9789&id=4bb98899a4 The Wheaton family are EPC missionaries to the ethnic Albanian Muslim population in North Macedonia. Todd and Pru, along with their sons, Brennen and Corren, are part of the Engage 2025 initiative through EPC World Outreach, an initiative to establish a church among unreached Muslim people groups. Given the sensitive nature of their work and location, they do not have a publicly listed website, but if you’d like to stay engaged with the Wheaton family, I would encourage you to sign up for their newsletter.