
Hello to our church community,

For those of you that missed our most recent congregational meeting, a quick recap:

  • We gave an update on the state of the church and some encouraging things from the last few months, including full sanctuaries on Sundays, a wonderful music ministry including our children’s choir, fun fellowship dinners and events. We also covered some challenging items, including staff and volunteer fatigue after a busy year, a lack of pastoral care in areas, and some longing for consistency.
  • We covered some current needs, particularly to give during the summer, some needs in the care of our building (which were wonderfully started in the church work day), and needs in our choir, particularly for men.
  • We presented on the starting of a potential deacon ministry this fall (more updates below)
  • Lastly we covered an update from the search committee, which has been updated and included in the newsletter.


Other updates:

We encourage all of us to stay connected, continue to look at “this week at FPC” to stay informed about ways we are continuing to do life together this summer.

Summer is a time when people visit churches. Please say hello to those sitting near you on Sunday mornings & welcome them to FPC.

Deacon ministry – we are beginning to organize a deacon ministry in our church that will begin this fall. The purpose of a Deacon Board is to assist in the care of our congregation.
According to Scripture, those who bear the office of Deacon should especially exhibit the spiritual qualities of the Christian and should be steady and reliable. The first duty of the Deacon is sympathy and service, and together the Board of Deacons carries out the ministry of compassion. As the law of love places certain duties upon each Christian, the Deacon is especially bound to fulfill those duties and to be an example to all.
If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Sarah Erdman (

We are planning a church informational class this fall. This time will be for those who may be newer to FPC and want to learn more about who we are as a church or become a member. Look for more information on dates or contact Sarah Erdman for more information.

We are moved by the way that our church community has come together in this season of transition. We are grateful for each one of you & your participation in the work that God is doing here at FPC.